Bridge alfa


Alfabeat ALFA – akcelerator i fundusz inwestycyjny dla projektów B+R wykorzystujących horyzontalnie technologie informatyczne i będących we wczesnej fazie rozwoju. Alfabeat inwestuje w projekty B2B Software. Partnerzy zarządzający pracowali w 6 krajach, uczestniczyli w tworzeniu kilkudziesięciu start-upów, byli odpowiedzialni za IPO. Alfabeat aktywnie poszukuje projektów o globalnym potencjale i wspiera je poprzez globalne alianse. Alfabeat zainwestował między innymi w Andiamo, Daily, DEBN, Fibratech, Intiaro

Alphabeat ALFA – accelerator and investment fund for R & D projects using horizontal IT technologies and being in an early stage of development. Alfabeat invests in B2B Software projects. Managing Partners have worked across 6 countries, participated in the creation of several dozen start-ups, were responsible for the IPOs. Alfabeat actively looks for projects with global potential. Alfabeat invested in Andiamo, Daily, DEBN, Fibratech, Intiaro

Bridge Alfa

Inwestycje Alfabeat realizowane są w ramach programu Bridge Alfa prowadzonego przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju, którego celem jest wsparcie zespołów zaangażowanych w projekty technologiczne znajdujące się we wczesnej fazie rozwoju i opierające się na pracach badawczo-rozwojowych.

Alfabeat’s investments are implemented as part of the Bridge Alfa program run by the National Center for Research and Development, whose aim is to support teams involved in technological projects at an early stage of development and based on research and development.

Software solution for clinics and clinicians, for automated 3D design and delivery of custom medical orthoses for children
Software solution that helps furniture retailers & manufacturers transition their products into digital world
Online educational materials for schools, which allow teachers to conduct robotics and programming lessons without any prior preparation
SEO and Social Media analytical tools for online marketing professionals
A mobile food ordering and delivery service available in more than 14 countries across North, Central and Eastern Europe (by acquisition of Polish-based, Daily)
Software that enables game developers to drive retention and increase revenue by rewarding gamers with real game merchandise right inside the game
Creative technology platform for AR/MR experiences, this is new promotion and sales channel for content: movies, TV series, games, music and sports
Unique medical device and an utterly new form of antimicrobial prophylaxis to protect patients from infections associated with prostate biopsy
Hybrid, composite-metallic automotive wheel made of dedicated textiles

Al. Grunwaldzka 190
80-266 Gdańsk
NIP: 5842749801

KRS: 0000618343
tel.: 58 728 20 01